SWeeTNss Un - Plugged

A rare look into the mind of SWeeTNss. Random thoughts and day to day experiences. You Think You Know.....But you have NO IDEA Comments ?

Monday, March 18, 2002

Well, it is Spring Break (SB). And I have no where to go. I wanted to go visit my hunny in jamaica, but that didn't work out. So here I am, in the dorms, looking for something to do. I have looked over my syllabus, and I have several projects due shortly after we come back from SB. Unfortunately, our library is also closed during SB, I will have to go to the local library to do research for some assignments. I may take a couple of trips home, to visit my family, although they are only 1 hr away.
I know you are thinking, how exciting, she is going to study over her SB, but what' more important to me, is to do well this semester. I need to prove, that I am cut out for school, and that I can finish. not just for my parents, but for myself.

Monday, March 11, 2002

I've got a new hobby! Racquetball!! I have started playing in the last couple of weeks, and I LOVE IT! I will be entering a tournament next month. It is for all levels of players, and it will be singles only. So wish me luck.

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

Well, I have to Plug this great new sytem. For those of you who have friends who refuse to get on just one IM chat program; There is TRILLIAN to save the day! It's really not that new, but I just found out about it, and I want to tell everyone I know about it too! I hope that you'll take my advise, and just download it. If you don't like it, just delete it. but if you love it, like everyone I know who uses it does, then you will delete all the other programs! Check it out at www.trillian.cc